Want to learn new skills, engage your brain, and make money online? It’s possible with online poker, so take it a step further with LAG poker playstyle. LAG (loose aggressive) play in poker done correctly looks cool to your opponents. Poker players take notice when a LAG player wins, so learning this way to play is genius.

To Play

LAG involves playing loosely on the preflop and aggressively on the streets. During the preflop it’s difficult for players to discern your hand, so bet loose until the postflop, then place aggressive high-pressure bets. LAG players will stay in the first round more often than typical players.

The Strategy is Easy

One strategy is to take advantage of those who fold too often during the preflop. Playing loose gives the chance to weed out some players. To LAGs, it doesn’t actually matter what cards they have at that moment since the real play is after the flop. Successful LAGs at times will play tight aggressive on the preflop so their opponents won’t discover what they are doing.

What Else

Another strategy takes advantage of players who call too often. Those players usually have a dollar threshold they won’t exceed and will fold on large bets. In LAG playstyle, a plan of action would be to call a few times instead of raising the bet to uproot those players. Your opponents still don’t have a lot of information as to what is in your hand.

Playing Someone Like You

When playing against another LAG player let them win the small pots positioning you to win big with a decent hand. Be sure to play tight aggressive and loose aggressive on the preflop so you won’t be discovered. Understanding LAG playstyle will provide a heads up on those who don’t know how to do it but wish they did.

Why Learn

Online 99 poker is fun, interactive, changes with each hand, and it’s possible to win money! That alone should be enough to learn the game. LAG style poker offers much more. It requires additional skills that challenge the brain, along with a bit of psychology to use against your opponents, right from home. Playing online provides the ability to become familiar with the game, hone strategies, and boost confidence. Best of all, it’s thrilling to win against others!

The Genius

LAG playstyle poker works on self-improvement as your brain learns something new. The interaction with other players is challenging and your expertise will make them wish they were that cool. During your downtime, you can sit in front of the TV, but you won’t gain knowledge, exercise your brain, boost self-confidence, or develop a new skill. LAG style poker provides all this, and…money!